Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Karnival Celebration with ROMA Children and Children with social Problems

This year the MNSH volunteers have thought to celebrate the feast of Carnivals with Roma children and with children with social problems, which live at Village of Peace.
Since this feast precedes the Lent season, time during which we are invited to think more about others, they have desired to celebrate with these children at the ambiance of Social Center of Malteser, Village of Peace in Shkodër.

The day of Carnivals, on February 16, the volunteers have prepared a feast with different non-formal games in the ambiance of our Social Center.

There they have celebrated and played with the children, have offered them sweets and carnival mask and have tried to enjoy with them, for these children could feel
somehow the atmospheres of the Karneval feast.

There were four MNSH volunteers taking part during this celebrating day.


Vullnetarët e MNSH menduan ta kremtojnë festën e karnavaleve me fëmijët Rom dhe fëmijë me probleme sociale, të cilët jetojnë në Fshatin e Paqes.
Duke qenë se kjo festë paraprin kohën e kreshmëve, kohë në të cilën duhet menduar më shumë edhe për të tjerët, ata kanë dashur të festojnë me këto fëmijë në ambientet e qëndres sociale të Malteserit në Fshatin e Paqes. Ditën e Karnavaleve, më 16 shkurt, vullnetarët kanë përgatitur një festë me lojna joformale në ambientet e qëndres sonë.

Aty kanë festuar dhe luajtur me fëmijët, u kanë shpërndarë ëmbëlsira dhe maska të karnevaleve dhe janë munduar që të gëzojnë me ta në mënyrë që këta fëmijë ta ndiejnë sadopak atmosferën e festës së Karnevaleve. Në këtë aktivitet ishin të pranishëm katër vullnetarë të MNSH.

Friday, February 12, 2010

35 days of continuous medical, sanitary and Psychosocial support of Roma population living in a collective center in a former military base in Rrenc

Since January 7, after the request of Minister of Health , MNSH took over the complete medical and sanitary service of this collective center , where around 200 roma people are living since January 5. Two medical teams compound by nurses and medical doctors (general practitioners and specialist doctors) are present six to seven hours per day at the center offering their service to everyone who needs. Medical visits, Medicaments , medical consults to hospital, medical analyses are all covered by MNSH. An Malteesr ambulance car and a emergency medical doctor provides 24-hour on call service.

Besides medical teams , another psychosocial team compound by social workers and psychologists, MNSH volunteers, continues to support the roma people in this collective center
The emotional wounds may be less visible than the destruction of homes and physical infrastructure, but it often takes far longer to recover from the emotional and psychological impact than to overcome the material losses.

MNSH, supported by Malteser Hilfsdients Germany and Malteser Hospitaldienst Austria, will run these services until the roma population will leave this center. At this step civil protection teams of MNSH will support them to rebuild their houses.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day of the sick people (Lady of Lourdes)

Day of the sick people (Lady of Lourdes)

Even this year on the day of Our Lady of Lourdes, during which it is celebrated “The day of the sick”, all churches organized the Mass where especially sick faithful participated.

On February 11, there was a special celebration for the sick people of the Diocese of Sapa.
In “Mother Theresa” cathedral, Vau Dejes was celebrated Holy Mass by the Bishop H.E Lucjano Avgustini (President of Malteser Ndihmon në Shqipëri), were invited to partecipate all sick peolpe.

At the end of the Mass Bishop H.E. Lucjano Avgustini has invited all sick people and their accompains to participate in a feast. The feast was organized in one of the restaurants at the center of Vau Dejes.

“Malteser Ndihmon në Shqipëri” (MNSH) was present with its volunteers as First Aid team.

In this day the Holy Mass in the parish of Shkoder-Pult was celebrated by the Bishop H.E. Angelo Massafra with some other priests.

At the end of the Mass, the faithful were blessed with the Holy Sacrament.
“Malteser Ndihmon në Shqipëri” (MNSH) was present with its volunteers to collaborate with the Sisters of Mother Teresa in transporting the sick children and old sick people from their house to the Church and vice-versa.
There were five MNSH volunteers and staff taking part during the activity and the Mass and two cars were in service.

Dita e të sëmurëve (Zoja e Lurdit)

Edhe këtë vit në ditën e Zojës së Lurdit, gjatë së cilës kremtohet “Dita e të sëmurëve”, të gjitha kishat organizuan Meshën në të cilën morën pjesë veçanërisht të sëmurët.

Më 11 shkurt, u organizua një kremtim i veçantë për të sëmurët e dioqezës Sapës.
Në Katedralen e “Nënë Terezës” Vau Dejes u kremtua Mesha e Shenjtë nga Shkëlqesia e Tij Imzot Lucjano Avgustini (Presidenti i Malteser Ndihmon në Shqipëri), ku ishin të ftuar që të merrnin pjesë të gjithë të sëmurët.
Në fund të Meshës Shkëlqesia e Tij Imzot Lucjano Avgustini ftoi të sëmurët dhe shoqëruesit në një festë të organizuar në një restorant në qendër të Vau Dejës.
“Malteser Ndihmon në Shqipëri” (MNSH) ishte e pranishme në këtë aktivitet me vullnetarët e saj si skuadër e Ndihmës së Parë.

Në këtë ditë në famullin e Shkodër-Pult, Mesha u kremtua nga Shkëlqesia e Tij Imzot Angelo Massafra në bashkëkremtim me disa meshtarë të tjerë. Në fund të Meshës, besimtarët morën bekimin me të Shenjtërueshmin Sakrament. “Malteser Ndihmon në Shqipëri” (MNSH) ishte e pranishme edhe në këtë aktivitet me vullnetarët e vet për të bashkëpunuar me Motrat e Nënë Terezës për të transportuar fëmijët e sëmurë dhe të moshuarit e sëmurë nga shtëpia e tyre për në kishë dhe anasjelltas.
Pesë vullnetarë dhe anëtarë të stafit morën pjesë gjatë këtij aktiviteti dhe në Meshë, ishin në shërbim dy makina.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Drinking water testing and monitoring in Dajç commune

MNSH continues its support to flooded zones. Two special teams of MNSH compound by trained volunteers and water specialists and in collaboration with Public Health Inspectorate are continuing to monitor the water supply systems and water wells in all villages of commune of Dajc.

Commune of Dajç was one of most effected areas from flood and nearly all water supply systems in this commune were contaminated. Cleaning and disinfection of water supply systems had just been done and now cleaning and chlorination of water wells is running. More than 500 kg of Na hypochlorite and Ca hypochlorite has been offered by MNSH to commune.

Every day MNSH teams together with water specialists and representatives of commune are taking samples of water from water wells and water supply systems and realizing the needed laboratory analyses. Results of the analyses are shown to the commune and Shkodra district Authorities , who then decide to inform population on the conditions of the drinking water.

MNSH would like to thank the Malteser Hospitaldienst Austria and the ambassador of the Order of Malta for supporting these activities of MNSH to flooded zones.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Second support from Rogner Hotel Europapark Tirana and the Embassy of the order of Malta in Albania.

A very fast reaction from Rogner Hotel Europapark in Tirana and the Embassy of the order of Malta in Albania . After the information that hygienic items , cleaning materials are needed and are a priority for flooded families that are returned in their homes, a big truck was yesterday transporting from Tirana to MNSH office the requested materials ( ca 10 000 Euro value)
MNSH volunteers will prepare now the boxes for the families and in cooperation with communes and parishes will deliver them to the affected zones.

MNSH would like another time to thank Rogner Hotel EuropaPark – Tirana and Professor Granser , Ambassador of the Order of Malta in Albania for supporting the humanitarian activities of MNSH .