This year the MNSH volunteers have thought to celebrate the feast of Carnivals with Roma children and with children with social problems, which live at Village of Peace.
Since this feast precedes the Lent season, time during which we are invited to think more about others, they have desired to celebrate with these children at the ambiance of Social Center of Malteser, Village of Peace in Shkodër.
The day of Carnivals, on February 16, the volunteers have prepared a feast with different non-formal games in the ambiance of our Social Center.
There they have celebrated and played with the children, have offered them sweets and carnival mask and have tried to enjoy with them, for these children could feel
somehow the atmospheres of the Karneval feast.
There were four MNSH volunteers taking part during this celebrating day.
Since this feast precedes the Lent season, time during which we are invited to think more about others, they have desired to celebrate with these children at the ambiance of Social Center of Malteser, Village of Peace in Shkodër.
The day of Carnivals, on February 16, the volunteers have prepared a feast with different non-formal games in the ambiance of our Social Center.
There they have celebrated and played with the children, have offered them sweets and carnival mask and have tried to enjoy with them, for these children could feel
somehow the atmospheres of the Karneval feast.
There were four MNSH volunteers taking part during this celebrating day.
Vullnetarët e MNSH menduan ta kremtojnë festën e karnavaleve me fëmijët Rom dhe fëmijë me probleme sociale, të cilët jetojnë në Fshatin e Paqes.
Duke qenë se kjo festë paraprin kohën e kreshmëve, kohë në të cilën duhet menduar më shumë edhe për të tjerët, ata kanë dashur të festojnë me këto fëmijë në ambientet e qëndres sociale të Malteserit në Fshatin e Paqes. Ditën e Karnavaleve, më 16 shkurt, vullnetarët kanë përgatitur një festë me lojna joformale në ambientet e qëndres sonë.
Aty kanë festuar dhe luajtur me fëmijët, u kanë shpërndarë ëmbëlsira dhe maska të karnevaleve dhe janë munduar që të gëzojnë me ta në mënyrë që këta fëmijë ta ndiejnë sadopak atmosferën e festës së Karnevaleve. Në këtë aktivitet ishin të pranishëm katër vullnetarë të MNSH.