Our Lady of Lourdes – The Day of the Sick
MNSH volunteers assist the Missionaries of Charity
February 11, is an important day for the Church, because it celebrates the day of Our Lady of Lourdes, differently called "The world day of the sick", dedicated to the sick people and to those who assist them. Everywhere Masses are celebrated during this day, where the greatest number of the faithful taking part is of those who suffer physical pain.
On this day, for the parish of Shkodra, the Mass was celebrated in its Cathedral, leaded by H.E Bishop Angelo Massafra with the presence of the parish priest and other priests as well.
At the end of the Mass the parish priest, offered his thanks to those who helped in organizing the Mass and especially to those who were assisting the sick people and have been transporting and taking care of the ones who were present in the Church.
Malteser volunteers assisted in helping the "Missionaries of Charity" Mother Teresa transport the sick children from their center to the Church and vice-versa. There were eight MNSH volunteers and two ambulance-cars.
MNSH volunteers assist the Missionaries of Charity
February 11, is an important day for the Church, because it celebrates the day of Our Lady of Lourdes, differently called "The world day of the sick", dedicated to the sick people and to those who assist them. Everywhere Masses are celebrated during this day, where the greatest number of the faithful taking part is of those who suffer physical pain.
On this day, for the parish of Shkodra, the Mass was celebrated in its Cathedral, leaded by H.E Bishop Angelo Massafra with the presence of the parish priest and other priests as well.
At the end of the Mass the parish priest, offered his thanks to those who helped in organizing the Mass and especially to those who were assisting the sick people and have been transporting and taking care of the ones who were present in the Church.
Malteser volunteers assisted in helping the "Missionaries of Charity" Mother Teresa transport the sick children from their center to the Church and vice-versa. There were eight MNSH volunteers and two ambulance-cars.

Zoja e Lurdit – Dita e të sëmurëve
Vullnetarët e MNSH ndihmojnë Misionaret e Bamirësisë
11 shkurti është një ditë e rëndësishme për Kishën, sepse ajo kremton ditën e Zojës së Lurdit, e quajtur ndryshe "Dita botërore e të sëmurëve", kushtuar njerëzve të sëmurë dhe të atyre që u shërbejnë atyre. Kudo gjatë kësaj dite janë kremtuar Meshë, ku numri më i madh i besimtarëve pjesëmarrës është i atyre që vuajnë dhimbje fizike.
Në këtë ditë, për famullinë e Shkodrës, Mesha u kremtua në Katedralen e saj, të udhëhequr nga Imzot Angelo Massafra me praninë e famullitarit dhe meshtarëve të tjerë.
Në fund të Meshës, famullitari ofroi falënderimet e tij për ata që ndihmuan në organizimin e Meshës dhe veçanërisht për ata që ndihmojnë njerëzit e sëmurë, ata që kanë bërë të mundur transportin dhe që janë kujdesur për të sëmurët që ishin të pranishëm në Kishë.
Vullnetarët e Malteser ndihmuan “Misionaret e Bamirësisë” Nënë Tereza në transportin e fëmijëve të sëmurë nga qendra e tyre në Kishë dhe anasjelltas. Në këtë aktivitet ishin të pranishëm tetë vullnetarë dhe dy ambulanca.